death: n.1.死,死亡。2.死状,死法;惨死;死因。3.褫夺公权。4.死刑。5.绝灭,消灭。6.谋杀;惨案。7.〔古语〕瘟疫;黑死病(= black death)。8.〔D-〕 死神;杀气。短语和例子as pale as death 死人一样苍白。 die a hero's death 壮烈牺牲。 black death 黑死病。 civil death 褫夺公权。 the de
The price of cereals and the price of calves at the present moment has virtually sounded the death knell of barley beef production . 日前的谷物价格和牛犊价格实际上已经敲响了用大麦生产牛肉的丧钟。
His failure sounds the death knell for all his hopes 他的失败敲响了所有希望的丧钟。
His failure sounds the death knell for all his hopes 他的失败宣告了他所有希望的破灭。
His decision sounds the death knell for all our hopes 他的决定预报我们的希望将全部破灭。
To resume the ivory trade would sound the death knell for the african elephants 恢复象牙贸易将会敲响了非洲象的丧钟。
The arrival of large supermarkets has sounded the death knell of the local shop 大型超市的落成宣告了当地小店的末日。